Thursday, February 16, 2012

Well folks tomorrow will be the one year anniversary of our landing in Qatar, to live. A lot has happened since that time. Please forgive us for not writing as often as we promised. The very first lesson we learned was, be careful about what you say and post from here. I do have pictures to post, but we have been extremely busy, the whole time we have been here. We spent Christmas in London this year. That was fun and a little strange. We missed family and friends. We have traveled a little and plan to travel more this year. We love all of you and I will try to be better writing on here this year. God bless you all!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Going Away Party

Some of you have been asking for the photos from the going away party. I just realized that I didn't take most of them. My sister Lori took the majority of the photos that day. Below you will find the few photos I took. Feel free to download any and all. Enjoy......


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

We have arrived.......

Hello, family and friends!!! Greetings from Doha, Qatar. As many of you know, we arrived in Doha, Qatar safely last Wednesday evening. That's where the fun begins. We are now suspected to be video bootleggers from the United States. Qatari customs could not believe anyone would have as large of a personal video collection, as we do. Can you believe that! Bootlegging video appears to be a huge problem here and it appears there may be some fears that we brought our movie collection over to copy and sell here; which as you all know is far from the truth. We watch our movies. Please pray that God would help them to see that we are not bootleggers.....

So come with us as we respectfully learn a new culture. This should be great. We have begun a new adventure and want to bring all of you with us!